I can tolerate speeding because I have been known to go a few miles over here and there BUT I cannot tolerate people who are reaching levels of fast that Vin Diesel would cringe at. Yeah... I made a Fast and Furious reference. Don't like it? TOOOOOOOOOO BAD! Seriously though... if I'm already doing 15 over, you shouldn't be zooming by me like I'm the slow poke. Here's another tip for all you crazy motorists: TURN YOUR BLINKERS ON! TURN THEM ON RIGHT EFFING NOW! It drives me insane (pun intended!) that the people here never use their turn signals! And it wouldn't be SO bad if they didn't just dart across 3 lanes of highway to cut you off because they missed their exit. I have had cars almost send me off the road because they just zig zag in and out of lanes all willy nilly and don't look where they're going. They just do what they want and expect the other person to adjust. If you're ever driving up here, please proceed with caution. This Chow meme used to be a joke about me because my friends think I'm a bad driver but... it doesn't compare. IT DOESN'T COMPARE.
Tips: If you are ever in an area where there are blue alert lights all over the place or if you're in an area with a lot of vacant/boarded up rowhomes... probably not the best place to be unless you're looking for trouble.
Welp, there you have it.